Use Flutter TODO format: // TODO(username): message, https://URL-to-issue.
This rule is available as of Dart 2.1.0.
This rule has a quick fix available.
#DO use Flutter TODO format.
From the Flutter docs:
TODOs should include the string TODO in all caps, followed by the GitHub username of the person with the best context about the problem referenced by the TODO in parenthesis. A TODO is not a commitment that the person referenced will fix the problem, it is intended to be the person with enough context to explain the problem. Thus, when you create a TODO, it is almost always your username that is given.
// TODO(username): message.
// TODO(username): message, https://URL-to-issue.
#To enable the flutter_style_todos
rule, add flutter_style_todos
under linter > rules in your analysis_options.yaml
- flutter_style_todos
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